Pala™ Cell Sorter and Single Cell Dispenser
The Fastest Way to Single Cell Isolation
The Pala Cell Sorter and Single Cell Dispenser is a platform that:
Boosts efficiency in the lab by isolating and dispensing cells in ≤ 7 minutes
Gives you high-quality, viable cells through gentle sorting (<2 psi)
Adapts to a wide range of cell densities, from as little as 100 cell/mL
Ensures consistency and ease through full automation
Fits into your budget and cell culture hood by being affordable, light-weight, and compact
Pala Cell Sorter/Single Cell Dispensers vs Conventional Cell Sorters
See how Pala compares with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)
Accelerate Your Workflow
*Chakrabarti, Lina, et al. “Simplifying Stable CHO Cell Line Generation with High Probability of Monoclonality by Using Microfluidic Dispensing as an Alternative to Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting.” Biotechnology Progress, 10 Mar. 2024, Accessed 11 Apr. 2024.